Homework on the weekend?
Integrated Math 1 D and H:
D- Blogs due on Monday- the more information the better
H- Blogs due on Tuesday- the more information the better
I am looking for all students to go above and beyond the required information. 5 posts will get you an average school- exceptional projects will give you exceptional grades. Email me with questions.
Integrated Math 2 C and G:
C- Test on Monday. Come to the beginning of class with any questions
G- Test on Tuesday. Come to the beginning of class with any questions
a. Special Right Triangles- Pythagorean Theorem. 45/45/90. 30/60/90
b. Trigonometry: SOH CAH TOA
c. Polynomials- Degree. Leading Coefficient. Constant
d. Exponential Rules- Simplifying fractions or multiplying involving polynomials
e. Rational Equations- Cross Multiplying. Least Common Denomenators
f. End Behavior- Odd vs. Even exponents. Leading Coefficient- Positive vs. Negative.
And of course our weekend activities:
Integrated Math 1 D and H:
D- Blogs due on Monday- the more information the better
H- Blogs due on Tuesday- the more information the better
I am looking for all students to go above and beyond the required information. 5 posts will get you an average school- exceptional projects will give you exceptional grades. Email me with questions.
Integrated Math 2 C and G:
C- Test on Monday. Come to the beginning of class with any questions
G- Test on Tuesday. Come to the beginning of class with any questions
a. Special Right Triangles- Pythagorean Theorem. 45/45/90. 30/60/90
b. Trigonometry: SOH CAH TOA
c. Polynomials- Degree. Leading Coefficient. Constant
d. Exponential Rules- Simplifying fractions or multiplying involving polynomials
e. Rational Equations- Cross Multiplying. Least Common Denomenators
f. End Behavior- Odd vs. Even exponents. Leading Coefficient- Positive vs. Negative.
And of course our weekend activities:
FRIDAY April 26th
17:30 Outdoor BBQ on the De Nobili Terrace
20:00- 22:00 The Grudge Projected on the Outdoor Theatre with popcorn
SATURDAY April 27th
10:00- 12:00 Pancakes in Lanterna
13:00- 15:00 IKEA Trip
15:00- 16:00 Baking in Monticello
18:15- 20:00 Sushi Buffet in Ponte Tresa
SUNDAY April 28th
12:00- 17:00 Hike Mt. Generoso
17:00-19:00, 19:30-21:30
11:00, 13:00, 15:00-17:00,

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