Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Technology in Education- Endicott College

As I am amending my class blog to be used for my course, I am wondering how to make it more interactive? Certainly during the year this blog is a great way to relay information and assignments, videos, and announcements to my students. However, possibly in future years I can have discussion topics where they must reply to get points and build in more incentive for this blog to be an interactive place for my students and I to exchange ideas, feedback, and questions. If anyone has any professional thoughts, I would greatly appreciate any insight you might have to share. Thank you.


  1. I was looking at some widgets you might be able to use. I was thinking about a whiteboard widget, but none of the ones I found were worth mentioning.

    Maybe you could have some sort of "math problem of the week" and students could try their luck at solving it.

    Btw, liking the white boy rap.

  2. I like Jarred's idea of "math problem of the week." You could put the question up in the beginning of the the week as a culmination of everything that was covered that week.

    You have been experimenting with flipping a little. If you do a flipped lesson you could use the blog as a question board for things they want to discuss the next day. Then you know how may have watched the lessons and wont be surprised the next day with questions they have.

    Good Luck!
