Saturday, September 28, 2013

Homework Long Weekend

I hope everyone enjoys their extra day off this weekend! I hope you will all come back to class refreshed. Its less than 3 weeks not until we all go on Academic Travel!
Below you will find the homework for our classes:

Extended Math 1: A, E, G Periods:
Below you will find a link for a problem set which I will want you all to complete before Tuesday's classes. You must write your name so I know who did it, it shouldn't take very long. It's only graded for completion, so please don't cheat- it will just give me an idea of how much of this you all know already. Thanks guys!

Core Math 1:
No homework, you will receive your group quizzes back on Tuesday

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Homework Thursday 9.26

Happy almost Friday. Here's your hdubs:

(for Tuesday)
page 50 Try: #3 b, d, 5 all (retry or check if you did them on Thursday), 6a, 7a
page 50 in the book

page 50 #1, 4 a, b 5 a, b, c, g, h, i, j, k, l & 6 a
page 50 in the book

page 20 # 11, 14
page 23 # 1, 2, 3, 4

If you did not do last night's homework on Khan Academy (Gugli, Kristina, Adam), please do the following:
On Khan Academy, search and do 10 problems from each of the following sections:
Area of a Circle
Radius, Diameter and Circumference

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


 Homework for Thursday's classes. See you all tomorrow. Don't forget- advisor dinner begins tonight at 17:45 or 18:45 in dress code:

In the book, page 50 # 1, 2, 3 a, c, e 4, 5 a- j (all)
Page 50- Extended Book

In the book, page 50 # 2, 4, 5 d, e, f, g,
Page 50- Extended Book

On Khan Academy, search and do 10 problems from each of the following sections:
Area of a Circle
Radius, Diameter and Circumference

If you did not do last night's homework on Khan Academy (Gugli, Kristina, Adam), please do the following:
On Khan Academy, search and do 10 problems from each of the following sections:
Area of a Circle
Radius, Diameter and Circumference

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Tuesday 9.24 HDubs

Here is your homework, and a lesson in English:
H.Dubs = H.W. = Homework = do it

Extended 1 G:
Your homework from the book
(if you don't have the book you can find the pages below in the links):
page 45 # 3, 5, 6, 11a, b
page 48 # 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9
Extended 1 page 45 homework
Extended 1 page 48 homework

Core 1 D:
On Khan Academy, search and do 10 problems from each of the following sections:
Area of a Circle
Radius, Diameter and Circumference

Core 1 H:
In your book, please solve the following area formulas. Don't forget the formula:
area = pi x radius (squared)
page 20 # 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11

Monday, September 23, 2013

Homework 9.23

Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend. Here is the homework for Tuesday's classes.

Your homework from the book:
page 45 # 3, 5, 6, 11a, b
page 48 # 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9

Rebecca & Emma: I will see you both at 11:55 tomorrow in Monticello 2 to make up your test.

In the text book, try the following circle problems. Don't forget your units!!
page 17 # 2, 3, 5, 6, 9, 10
page 20 # 2, 3, 4, 10, 11

You can find the math class nicknames below...

Math NickNames

The answers to the extra credit questions, your official math nicknames.

Gabriele- C cubed
Dani- Danition
Andrea- X Squared
Alex- D.D. Decimal Dude
Ariela- Decimal
Madyson- M= oc(squared)
Umberto- LimaxSquared
Timur- Lil' Timmy Den0m1n@tor
Lika- Zero

Gugli- Penta
Christopher- Calculus
Kristina- Cute Angle
Nicole- Nikagon
Adam- The Divider

Alex- Eight
Daniel- Schiff
Isabella- Alpha
Juliano- Pi
Fiona- Fiona the Factor
Nikolay- Dividor
Sergei- Sergo
Jenny- Math Princess
Tatiana- Number Seven
Karla- Minimum

Natalia- Nath
Marla- Math Shawty
Max- Super Maximum
Alessandra- Alsum
Hugo- Mathman Squared
Joaquin- eZACHtly
Camila- Camillionaire
Luanna- Lucalana
Raid- Multipliraid
Yigit- The Yigit
Alex- Sasquach
Samantha- Samath
Veronika- Veronika9_2119

Joao- M.M.
Adam- Algiometry
Alessia- Alegri
Beatrice- Bea
Lydia- Subtraction Shedden
Juan Pablo- Schiffmaster
Mika- Triangle
Mauricio- Matematicas

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Homework Thursday 9.19

Hey guys, tomorrow will be all of your quizzes. If you have questions, we will review during the beginning of class, so come with any questions. Here are the Khan Academy exercises and topics:

E and G PERIODS. Extended 1.
Log on to Khan Academy and search for the two exercises: Multiplying Fractions and Adding and Subtracting Fractions. If you are having trouble finding them, please email me- do not skip them. You have your test tomorrow. The following topics will be covered:
The graphing calculator, decimals, fractions, word problems.

D and H PERIODS. Core 1.
Study for Friday's quiz which will be on angles, triangles, polygons, internal and external angles, triangles within circles. Helpful exercises in Khan Academy include: Angles 1, Angles 2, Polynomials, Parallel Lines 1.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Homework 9.18 Wednesday

Here is the homework for tomorrow's classes:

Extended 1 G and E Periods:
Watch the following video on some basics of fractions. Be sure to take notes, complete the four questions at the end and write down any questions you have for me, which I will answer in class tomorrow: The link if the video doesn't work is:

Extended 1 A PERIOD:
Log on to Khan Academy and search for the two exercises: Multiplying Fractions and Adding and Subtracting Fractions. If you are having trouble finding them, please email me- do not skip them. You have your test tomorrow. The following topics will be covered:
The graphing calculator, decimals, fractions, word problems.

Core 1 H PERIOD:
page 14 exercise 9 #6- 13 all

Core 1 D PERIOD:
Study for Friday's quiz which will be on angles, triangles, polygons, internal and external angles, triangles within circles. Helpful exercises in Khan Academy include: Angles 1, Angles 2, Polynomials, Parallel Lines 1.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

HDubs Tuesday 9.17

Extended 1 G Period:
First of all, please write your smart goal for the Fall, and how you plan to accomplish it. You will turn in that paper in class tomorrow. Secondly, please signup for Khan Academy using your TASIS email account (not facebook) and add me as a teacher using the coach button on the side
 G PERIOD: enter the code: 99WZCR

Extended 1 A Period:
Watch the following video on some basics of fractions. Be sure to take notes, complete the four questions at the end and write down any questions you have for me, which I will answer in class tomorrow: The link if the video doesn't work is:

 page 14 exercise 9 #6- 13 all

For homework, in your book, complete page 11- 12 exercise 8 # 1,2, 4, 6, 8

Monday, September 16, 2013

Homework Monday 9.16

Happy Monday y'all. The homework for today is going to be as follows. Starting today, it will also be listed on Veracross, if you would prefer to get it through the Veracross website.

Extended 1 A and E:
First of all, please write your smart goal for the Fall, and how you plan to accomplish it. You will turn in that paper in class tomorrow. Secondly, please signup for Khan Academy using your TASIS email account (not facebook) and add me as a teacher using the coach button on the side
A PERIOD: enter the code: 4SVC8Y
E PERIOD: enter the code: 824AS3

Core 1 D:
For homework, in your book, complete page 11- 12 exercise 8 # 1,2, 4, 6, 8

Please check the homework from the last post below this one for your homework which is due tomorrow on our first day of class of the week.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Weekend Homework 9.13-15

I hope everyone has a good weekend and stays out of trouble. Here's your homework. Don't forget to check out the weekend activities on campus too. Here's a rap video we made last year to advertise all of the activities on campus:

Extended 1. E, G and A PERIOD:
In your text book, please complete page 40 #14-40 even (exercise 2.1) without the use of a calculator in order to test your abilities with using decimals. Due by Monday's class.

Core 1. D and H PERIOD:
In the book for page 8. Exercise 7. # 2- 24 even

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Homework Thursday 9.12

In your text book, please complete page 40 #14-40 even (exercise 2.1) without the use of a calculator in order to test your abilities with using decimals. Due by Monday's class.

Please log on to your Khan Academy website and complete 10 questions each in the sections Parallel Lines 2 and Angles 1 which can be found in Math> Geometry> Angles and Intersecting Lines. If you have not done last night's homework, please complete it by tomorrow.

Solve the following using your graphing calculator:
a. The square root of 5 squared times 3.74 plus cosine 35 degrees
b. The absolute value of 17.8 + 9.21 minus the square root of 12 x -3.15
c. Find the product of the fourth root of 129 and the seventh root of 7
e. The quotient of 7.29 squared and 6.84
f. The absolute value of the square root of 9.83 to the two thirds power

In your calculator, please graph the following and answer the questions:
y = -1/5x - 15
     a. Did you have to change the window in order to see the graph? How did you change it if so?
     b. Using the table, find the y value when x equals 12
     c. Solve for the x intercept using the ZERO button on 2nd Trace
y = -x^2 - 5x + 5
     a. Calculate the MAXIMUM of the graph
     b. Find the x value when y equals -2 using the TABLE button
y = square root of 3.75
     a. Sketch the shape of the graph

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Homework Tuesday 9.10

Hey y'all, remember there is no class tomorrow. Class hikes will be happening instead! Here is your homework:

Extended Math 1 PERIOD G:
Solve the following using your graphing calculator:
a. The square root of 5 squared times 3.74 plus cosine 35 degrees
b. The absolute value of 17.8 + 9.21 minus the square root of 12 x -3.15
c. Find the product of the fourth root of 129 and the seventh root of 7
e. The quotient of 7.29 squared and 6.84
f. The absolute value of the square root of 9.83 to the two thirds power

Extended Math 1 PERIOD A:
In your calculator, please graph the following and answer the questions:
y = -1/5x - 15
     a. Did you have to change the window in order to see the graph? How did you change it if so?
     b. Using the table, find the y value when x equals 12
     c. Solve for the x intercept using the ZERO button on 2nd Trace
y = -x^2 - 5x + 5
     a. Calculate the MAXIMUM of the graph
     b. Find the x value when y equals -2 using the TABLE button
y = square root of 3.75
     a. Sketch the shape of the graph

Core Math 1 PERIOD H (+ Nicole and Osgood):
Please log on to your Khan Academy account and finish your introduction quizes and do the exercises on: Measuring angles and Angle Types in Math> Geometry> Angles and Intersecting Lines. If you have not added me as your Khan Academy COACH, please press coach on the left side of your screen and enter the code: YFMZSV

Core Math 1 PERIOD D: (Due Friday)
Please log on to your Khan Academy website and complete 10 questions each in the sections Parallel Lines 2 and Angles 1 which can be found in Math> Geometry> Angles and Intersecting Lines. Nicole and Osgood, please also complete yesterday's homework.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Homework Monday 9.9

Hey yall, here's the hw for tomorrow's classes, don't forget its a special schedule. If you still need to download the SmartView, you can do so here:

Extended Math 1 PERIOD A:
Solve the following using your graphing calculator:
a. The square root of 5 squared times 3.74 plus cosine 35 degrees
b. The absolute value of 17.8 + 9.21 minus the square root of 12 x -3.15
c. Find the product of the fourth root of 129 and the seventh root of 7
e. The quotient of 7.29 squared and 6.84
f. The absolute value of the square root of 9.83 to the two thirds power

Core Math 1 PERIOD D:
Please log on to your Khan Academy account and finish your introduction quizes and do the exercises on: Measuring angles and Angle Types in Math> Geometry> Angles and Intersecting Lines

Extended Math 1 PERIOD E:
No homework, I will bring your calculators to Tuesday's class. If you want to try to download the SmartView for your computer, you can do so above

Core Math 1 PERIOD H:
Please bring some device to connect to the internet tomorrow- computer, ipad or iphone. Thanks!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Homework Sunday 9.8

Hope everyone enjoyed the boat dance and had a good weekend all around. Be sure to check your Veracross to see whether your class period or course has been changed. Any questions, either email me: or go see Mr. Nelson on Monday during a free period.

For the two Extended 1 classes, please bring your graphing calculator to tomorrow's class. We will be working on the basics of it. If you do not have one, you may download one for free at this site (it works, I promise) to your computer. Please bring your computer or calculator to class tomorrow:
-download and click on Mac or Windows

For Core 1, please bring an iPAD, iPhone, or computer tomorrow. We watched the video on Khan Academy, and will be setting up our Khan Academy accounts tomorrow. 

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Homework Wednesday 9.4

Hey classes, here is your h.w. aka hdubs:

Periods A and D:

Try to see if any of these links work for downloading the TI-84 calculator to your computer or ipad. If anyone finds a different app that works, please let me know. Otherwise you can order a graphing calculator from me tomorrow:

Periods H and E:

Watch the two video's from yesterday's post. Read it carefully, the first one is about Khann Academy which we will be using this year, the second is a general one about why wasting 3,600 hours texting in class during high school sounds super depressing to me...

See you all tomorrow!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Homework Tuesday 9.3

Hi, for periods A, D, and E, your homework is to watch the following videos. H Period, please do the previous blog post. No writing or blog posts for today, but we may discuss these in class tomorrow. One of the things we will be doing this year is a lot of work on Khann Academy. Here is a short introduction of how to use it and what it is, please click on this link:

And also a video about what life is like to go a day without your cell phones. Remember, you will spend 3,600 hours or 216,000 minutes in a classroom during high school- please don't waste that time on your cell phone:

 REMINDER: Period H, please do the homework below for tomorrow's classes. Thank you.